Thursday, September 19, 2013

That's what I like

So fall is here! And although I live in California and its still pretty hot these days I'm thinking of all the sweaters, leggings, pants, jeans, scarves, and boots I want to welcome to my closet family of clothes!
Now, I do not abide by the rules of "what you're supposed to wear for this season's fashion" ever. I wear what I want when I want to. I might sound like a rebel but no, I just have different moods and these moods make me dress differently. Sometimes I'm inspired by country to dress western, Sex Is On Fire comes on and I want to dress like I'm going to a rock concert, or sometimes I just want to be effortlessly fashionable and tone it down and dress a little more simple. I feel most comfortable with an edgy look rather than a girly one but I do have my moments.

Currently, I am obsessed with kimonos. I have always wanted one but when I saw one on Shenae Grimes recently I just died and said I need one. I love the idea of kimonos personally because I typically wear black and white and a nice floral kimono will be nice when I feel like I want to add just a bit a color!


Another thing I am loving is black clothing with fringe! What better way to accessorize than wear an item that's got an attachment of fringy awesomeness?!
Forever 21
Forever 21

Acid wash & high rise jeans are something I like to wear when I want to be more casual. I love pairing a pair of high waisted pants with a sweater it's an easy but cute look that is so comfortable! I own these Bullhead Denim jeggings and they're the probably one of my favorite pairs of jeans. They go with everything and you can't beat comfort right?
Bullhead Denim co

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The 1975

The 1975 are a band that is new to me. I discovered them a couple of weeks ago and just started to listen to them recently. There are so many bands out there and a lot of the time when I find a new band I end up only liking a couple songs of theirs and not a full album or what not and thats ok but this band I am really excited about because I have listened to several of their songs and liked more than a couple and I haven't found one I don't care for!

The first song I heard from them was 'You'. Its a very cool chill danceable song. I am in my car a lot, I technically commute to work and I work about 5 days a week so.. I am in my car a lot! And I just love music that just makes driving feel cool. I love when music and the mood of the song just goes with the time of day whether its a cool sunny feeling song you imagine on the beach or a cool dance or rock song that makes driving feel cool at night like there is  a soundtrack and you're the cool person you see cruising in a cool car in a music video or movie.

So as I have been liking their music I started to look up their live performances to experience what they are like live and I had found this great cover they made of One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful. I love One Direction like the next twelve year old, yes so I was excited to see what their cover was like. At first I couldn't even focus on the song because all I could hear was One Direction still but after getting a grip of things I could focus on the greatness of this cover. Of course if you do not like One Direction you may not like this song but it is a cool cover and they're a pretty cool band.

If you check this band out let me know what you think !

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So for years and years I have procrastinated making a blogspot.
Years ago I did so by starting what I felt like was my "style" of blogging on Tumblr. So yeah, have one of those.. but now I'm thinking about actually starting to write an actual blog (actual blog equals the word blog in the domain name unlike Tumblr I guess).
I'm ridiculous.
Anyways for years I used to lurk youtube and certain blogs and by lurk I mean that for years for whatever reason I used to not create accounts for such sites, I would just create bookmarks instead and check them daily. And so recently I was just like why don't I just do this already?
Part of the procrastination was just feeling like I don't have the time but I'm realizing in life you never have time to do things you need to but making the time for things and doing them makes you feel accomplished and a little fulfilled. Normally people have these realizations and goals to start things as a New Year's resolution but I feel totally fine with starting these things now.

If you feel like this we could be friends.
Let's start things!

My name is Heaven, I warn you to only sometimes take me serious.