The first song I heard from them was 'You'. Its a very cool chill danceable song. I am in my car a lot, I technically commute to work and I work about 5 days a week so.. I am in my car a lot! And I just love music that just makes driving feel cool. I love when music and the mood of the song just goes with the time of day whether its a cool sunny feeling song you imagine on the beach or a cool dance or rock song that makes driving feel cool at night like there is a soundtrack and you're the cool person you see cruising in a cool car in a music video or movie.
So as I have been liking their music I started to look up their live performances to experience what they are like live and I had found this great cover they made of One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful. I love One Direction like the next twelve year old, yes so I was excited to see what their cover was like. At first I couldn't even focus on the song because all I could hear was One Direction still but after getting a grip of things I could focus on the greatness of this cover. Of course if you do not like One Direction you may not like this song but it is a cool cover and they're a pretty cool band.
If you check this band out let me know what you think !
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